Not can precede any nation its term, and not they (can) delay (it).
[for,] no community can ever forestall [the end of] its term - and neither can they delay [its coming]
No nation can outstrip its term, nor yet postpone it
No people can hasten their term, nor can they delay (it)
No people can advance their doom, nor can they delay it.
No community can speed up or hold back its appointed destiny.
no community can advance or postpone its appointed tim
No people can hasten on their doom nor can they postpone (it)
No community precedes its term, nor delays it.
No nation may anticipate its deadline nor will they ever postpone it.
no nation can precede their term nor can they delay it,
No community can hasten its term, nor delay it
No nation can advance its term, nor delay it.
No nation can advance its time, nor can they postpone it
A community does not anticipate its appointed term, and they do not delay (it)
- no people can hasten their term nor can they postpone i
In no way does any nation outstrip its term, and in no way are they able to postpone
Every nation has an appointed life span
No community can go ahead of its appointed time, nor can they become late
No nation can advance its term, nor delay it. (The Laws of the rise and fall of nations are unchangeable (7:34), (13:38), (15:5))
No nation can expedite its allotted time, nor prolong it
No nation can quicken its term, nor can it delay (it)
No nation will precede its time [of termination], nor will they remain [thereafter]
No nation can hasten its appointed time, nor can it delay.
no community can advance or delay its time
No community can anticipate their term, nor can they lay behind
No nation can live beyond its allotted time, or lag behind
No nation can advance its appointed time nor can they delay it.
(What happened to all those generations proves that) no community can ever hasten on the end of its term, nor can they delay it (once it has been decided by God because of their beliefs and life-styles)
No nation can advance its time nor can it defer it
No nation (or people) can hasten its appointed term, nor delay it
No community (of faith) advances its appointed time, nor can they delay it.
No people can hasten their term, nor can they delay it
No community can bring forward or delay its fixed lifespan
No nation can outstrip its term, nor can it put it back
No nation can hasten its appointed time, nor can it delay
They cannot bring about the end of a community before the appointed time, nor can they delay it
No nation can go ahead of their period, nor they can remain behind.
No community can advance its predetermined fate, nor delay it.
no nation outstrips its term, nor do they put it back
No people can hasten on their doom, nor can they postpone (it)
None from a nation precedes its term/time and they do not delay/lag behind
No nation can advance its pre-determined fate, nor delay it
No nation can go before its term ends nor stay back
No people can go ahead of their appointed time, nor can they remain behind it
No community can step ahead of its appointed time, nor can it step back
No community can go ahead of its appointed time (and thus manage to escape their doom) nor can they remain behind (it, or delay it)
No nation can anticipate their term, nor can they delay it
no nation outstrips its term, nor do they put it back
No nation shall be punished before their determined time; neither shall they be respited after
No nation can anticipate its appointed time, nor keep it back
Neither too soon, nor too late, shall a people reach its appointed time
no community can delay it‘s doom or go before it ―
No nation can advance their appointed term nor can they be late for it.
No nation can outstrip its term, neither can they delay it.
No community precedes its fixed term nor do they delay it.
No people can hasten their term, and they cannot delay it.
No community can advance its time, nor can they delay it.
No nation may anticipate its deadline nor will they ever postpone it.
No community precedes its term, nor do they delay it.
No community can forestall the end of its term nor delay it.
No community can hasten nor delay their term!
No nation may outstrip its term, nor do they postpone (it)
No people or nation can predate their set period of time nor can they postdate it either -includes: span of prosperity, of misery, of other conditions as well as that of life
Then after them We produced other generations.
No nation can anticipate its time, nor can they delay.
No people can hasten their term, nor can they delay (it)
Not can precede any nation its term, and not they (can) delay (it)
Ma tasbiqu min ommatin ajalaha wama yasta/khiroona
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